Walk tall naturally with purpose

Well Being Benefits

Individuals with differing fitness levels can often all exercise in the same group allowing people to walk together and talk at the same time.

Relieve stress and promote a personal sense of well-being

Can Nordic walking enhance our mood more than natural walking? Some researchers suggest it may do, although they also recognise the effect may have simply been due to participating in a new way of walking that was more enjoyable.1

Look after your mental health, be active outdoors!

Mental health can be improved by the positive effect of regular physical activity on mood helping not only to increase your sense of well-being but also to relieve feelings of anxiety and depression. There is also evidence of a ‘biophilia effect’: the additional benefit exercising outdoors brings to reducing stress and enhancing mood.2

Exercise on your own

Once you’ve learned good Nordic walking technique and you’ve bought or hired a pair of Nordic walking poles, you’re then in control of when, where and how long you Nordic walk for.

Enjoying the company of family, friends and new acquaintances

Alternatively, by walking at the same speed as a companion, but increasing your personal level of intensity by working your upper body harder, you can gain all the above health and fitness benefits while Nordic walking with family, friends or people you’re meeting for the first time. The intensity of exercise is determined by upper body effort. Nordic walking means people of differing fitness and mobility levels can walk and talk together as well as working to their own individual level.

Enhance your existing skills as a Walking Leader

Volunteer leaders can train further to lead regular Nordic healthwalks as part of established schemes. This is an innovative way of adding value to Walking for Health, Healthwalk and other organised walking schemes in East Sussex.