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Make Every Stride Count for More ! Nordic Walking for Health’s guide to Nordic walking for effective exercise.
This guide can be used by Nordic Walking for Health clients who, having completed a beginner course, then successfully extended it beyond the foundation level to the higher health and/or fitness levels of technique some time before 23 March 2020. Nordic Walking for Health’s first guide, posted on 31 March, was about how to get better exercise out of walking naturally with much of the content being relevant to using trekking poles and to Nordic walking as well, especially when learning the technique on a beginner course and then bedding
Posted: April 21, 2020 in Uncategorized
Walk Tall Naturally with Purpose ! Nordic Walking for Health’s guide to walking better for exercise.
This guide can be used by Nordic Walking for Health clients who: (a) have taken part in a “Walk Better for You !” refresher session but not taken up Nordic walking (b) had a taster session before Monday 23 March and are on a waiting list for a beginner course (c) were part way through a course on 23 March (d) completed a beginner course some time before 23 March and are on a waiting list to extend their course beyond the foundation level to the higher health and/or fitness
Posted: March 31, 2020 in Uncategorized
Suspension of Nordic walking programmes
As of Monday 23 March, following UK government guidance, Nordic Walking for Health is suspending the delivery of all its Nordic walking sessions. Initially, this will be for three weeks until, at least , Tuesday 14 April, when the government will review the impact of its guidance and extend, widen or ease it for a further length of time. We hope you are still able – if you Nordic walk on your own or with members of your household – to enjoy the benefits of a regular Nordic walk.
Posted: March 24, 2020 in Uncategorized
Coronavirus guidance when Nordic walking
With the coronavirus/covid-19 situation evolving day to day in the UK, we ask that our clients keep in touch with NHS and government guidance on how to prevent passing on, or getting, the virus. So, for the time being, please follow these guidelines: Effective handwashing, or use of 60% alcohol hand gel/sanitiser, on a regular basis throughout the day, especially after being in crowded or busy public places, where you are in close contact with people for more than 15 minutes and/or where your hands are touching shared hard surfaces,
Posted: March 7, 2020 in Uncategorized

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